Monday, August 27, 2007

Limber Tail Again!

On saturday we went to carousel's bark park. it was great, it was really hot that day so we went early in the morning. i swam for a long time and got a great workout, but later that day i started getting that feeling in my tail again.

i think its limber tail because it hurts like it did when i got this back in Maplewood. Today is monday and its better but not great. i hope it recovers soon.

this is my second weekend with an ailment. last weekend daddy cut my pinky nail too short and YIPE*! It was bleeding everywhere, and not only that, i had to stay inside because every time i went outside i re-aggravated it! Oh well, atleast today is not FRONTLINE day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy. My name is Blair and I'm 2 years, 3 months old. I'm also a chocolate Lab. I am having my first episode of "limber tail" and I'm not too impressed. My person took me to the vet and they didn't know anything about it, and wouldn't give me any anti-innflammatories, either. What a sad state of affairs! I think I got it swimming in the icy cold lake yesterday. Boy, does it hurt! Feel better soon, buddy!